The V40 is the latest and most powerful smartphone LG has released to date. But is that enough to warrant a serious consideration from the shoppers looking to upgrade their devices? I have been testing the V40 for three months now, and I’m surprised to find that LG managed to make improvements to it’s V series- […]
HP comes out swinging with the Chromebook X2
There’s no other way to say it, Chromebooks have come a long way. The HP Chromebook X2 is a well-built premium detachable running Chrome OS, which is both the biggest strength and greatest limitation of the device. I say this because Google’s ChromeOS has a reputation for not being good for much more than Web browsing and […]
Music Streaming Royalties
One of the most confusing aspects of getting paid in the music industry, is and has always been Royalties. Not to mention the multiple avenues that royalties come in: Mechanical, performance, synchronization fees, and print music (which is pretty much nonexistent in urban music like Hip-Hop and EDM). Now here is a 5th element to add to the mix, Music Streaming Royalties.
Make Cinematic Masterpieces with PowerDirector Mobile (App Review)
Cyberlink PowerDirector Mobile: True Video Editing for Mobile hasarrived PowerDirector Mobile, for Android islinear video-editing app that makes it easyto direct your cinematic blockbuster. The app allows you to combine multiplevideo and audio layers (up to 3 video andaudio tracks) to edit angles and takes downto the frame. There a of video/photo filtersand FX included,broken […]
Hi-Res Music & Audio : The New Recording Standard
Every 25 years or so, the medium for the mass-production of audio gets upgraded to the next big thing. From the Phonograph which played tin cylinders (1877), to the Gramophone (1900) , which played glass, zinc, and eventually plastic flat discs/records; From Vinyl, which didn’t hit the scene until 1948, the cassette tape that made […]
Become an Author: Create an ebook with Google Docs
Have you been sitting on your life biography, or are you just two chapters away from wrapping up that thriller detective novel you’ve been telling anyone “bits and pieces of the storyline who would listen? Did you know that you could have that finished draft in the proper format, and ready for masses? That’s right, Google’s word-processing challenger to Microsoft […]
LG G7 ThinQ Hands On
If you hadn’t noticed by now,I have an affinity for LG’s flagship smartphones. From the camera lenses to the Audio recording features, LG has made professional-grade content creation tools the focus for the last two to three iterations of it’s G and models. As if the 32-bit Hi-Fi Quad-DAC wasn’t enough, a few new Audio […]
Mobile DAW Showdown: FL Studio vs Garageband
Two of the most popular Music Making brands in software, FL Studio Mobile and Garageband (iOS), long regarded as “tools for beginners” at best,”toys” by the haters are two of the most powerful DAWs on the market. Today,they are used by every one from beginners to pros and they both have mobile apps that empower millions to create […]
Caustic 3 Review – (Android/OS)
It’s not everyday that a mobile app comes along and matches it’s desktop rivals pound for pound,so when it does happen producers and fledgling beat-makers better sit up and take notice. Caustic 3 is one of those programs. Created by Single Cell software,which is a ‘sole-proprietorship’ company led by lone Developer Rejean Poirier. Caustic has […]
Magix Samplitude X3 Review
Can Magix bring more than a one-trick pony to the show with Samplitude Pro X3? Dear Samplitude, You and your big sister Sequoia have been around before the word DAW was mainstream. The only other programs that can claim the seniority in this market that you can are Cubase, Logic , and Sonar. Not even […]